The Baltic Exchange Golfing Society


The earliest evidence of the Society is 1901, when J. L. Clark donated a cup for a matchplay competition although it is believed that there were ad-hoc events as early as 1897/1898. Originally the Society was called The Baltic Exchange Golf Club, but changed its name to the more appropriate Golfing Society in 1908. The Clark Cup is still played for today. After W.Adamson won the cup for the third time in 1913, he was made a gift of it. In 1935 he re-presented the cup to the Society as the Adamson Scratch Cup. The cup, which has recently undergone refurbishment to allow a few more generations of winners to be engraved, is played for today as the best cumulative scratch score for the Spring and Autumn meetings.

Today the Society plays a pivotal role in promoting the gregarious nature of the Shipbroker with our meetings providing active occasions for brokers to get together. We have over 120 members playing regularly in a series of meetings both internally within the Society and against teams from other shipping interests. The strong core of working shipbrokers that make up a majority of the Society will lead to further fixtures against a wider spectrum of shipping interests both here in the U.K. and abroad.

James Pendered is the Hon Secretary handling AGM, PR Links and all other match admin work, with the assistance of Chris Cox, who is Hon Treasurer and handling membership, subscriptions and the annual dinner.

Please Note: Matches are for Members only.


Copyright (C) 2023 Baltic Golfing Society. All rights reserved.

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